Motorola phones let parents monitor kids [Business Week]
Motorola is putting out a new line of cellphones for kids with tracking and "censorship software." I'm imagining a v-chip for phones. It was bound to happen I guess.
Sperm donor reality show? [Reuters]
I have to admit. I'm a fan of Big Brother. It's my biggest guilty pleasure. It seems the evil genius behind it, John de Mol, is going to start a new show where a "woman searches for a potential sperm donor to conceive a child." I'm surprised Fox hasn't done it yet.
Health Watch: Stay At Home Dads [KFOX TV, El Paso, Texas]
Another on-line article created from a TV news piece about stay at home dads. Nothing new here, except they seem to suggest that the reason that it's OK for dads to stay at home is, well, I'll just re-post it here:
The biggest job for moms seems to be nurturing, so are 6 year-old Lauren and 1 year old twins Connor and Sofi getting as much from dad as they would get from mom? Studies say yes, before baby is born, dads experience a surge in nurturing hormones like estrogen and prolactin, which is the hormone coursing through you when you're in love. The essentially male hormone testosterone dips by a third once baby is born, a dip that lasts a few months into baby's life.
Even if this hormone dipping and surging is true, it has nothing to do with a SAHD's ability to nurture their kid. I guess people in Texas need some sort of medical excuse for why men can take care of their kids just as good as women.
Parents beat principal who made schoolgirls strip [Reuters, India]
A principal in India made some of his female students take off their clothes so he could take pictures of them and post them on the Internet. So their parents beat his ass and then handed him over to the police. Good for them.
The Bullshit Job Title Generator
OK. This isn't a news article, but it had me laughing last night. Click on the "Generate Bullshit Title" button and get a great new job title. Before my SAHD life, I had to deal with a lot of people with job titles like these. My favorites so far: "Dynamic Operations Assistant," "Senior Interactions Architect," and "Legacy Response Facilitator."