Stuff for Moms

Five Father's Day Gift Ideas from Modern Day Dad

Looking for some very last minute gift ideas for Father's Day? Here is a quick list of the top things I think that will be perfect for the dad in your life.

  1. Flipvideo_mino Flip Video Camera - The Flip Video Camera is ultra-portable, ultra compact, takes great looking 640x480 resolution video and is under $200. Way under $200 actually. Check out what I wrote about the newest version (the Flip Video Mino) over at, or buy the Mino (for $179.99) or the Flip Video Ultra (for $118) at
  2. Xbox360The XBOX 360 is a perfect Father's Day gift. Because not only will Dad love to play video games on it, but you can also stream photos, music and videos to it as well. Check out my post about it here, and buy one at

  3. Canon Digital Rebel XSi Canon Digital Rebel XSi - Let me guess. The new baby has arrived (or is arriving soon) and you've been considering a new digital camera, but you're unsure if you need a full-on Digital SLR camera. Well, trust me, you do. The images you'll get out of a great camera, even with little knowledge of what you're doing, will be way better than most point and shoots. Plus, your baby is only going to be a baby for a short time, so invest in a good camera. The Canon Rebel XSi is 12 mega-pixels of awesomeness, and should last you for a while. And trust me, after getting your first few good images from it by accident, you're going to want to learn more about your camera. It's well worth the investment.
  4. 50MM Canon Lens 50MM Lens for your Digital SLR Camera - OK. So you've taken my advice and bought a DSLR camera, or you've already bought one, then the next thing you absolutely need is a 50mm lens. Called a "prime" lens because it has no zoom, the 50mm lens is considered the closest lens to what the human eye sees. And on a DSLR camera it's perfect for portraits. All of this adds up to a lens that is great for taking pictures of kids because it's great in low light situations (because of the wide aperture) and it takes pictures very quickly (again, because of the wide aperture). You can get a great one with auto focus for a Canon camera for $325 (my recommendation, pictured) but you can get a really good one with manual focus for just $89.74. Either way, you'll be happy you did. (And if you shoot Nikon instead of Canon, check out this 50MM lens).
  5. Diaper_dude Diaper Bag just for Dad - Back when I was a new dad, there were almost no choices for good diaper bags for dads. These days, there are tons of options. You can choose from the Diaper Dude (pictured), a Dad Backpack from Dadgear and even a wearable Diaper Vest from Dadgear. All will probably work just fine and when picking, a lot of it comes down to personal taste.
  6. Giftcard A gift card for Father's Day - I know, I know. I promised five. But this sixth one is kind of a cheat anyway. If you can't think of the perfect gift for your Dad (or your kid's dad) this Father's Day, you can always get him a gift card from your favorite store. And if you get him from an online store like Amazon, you can literally get it at the last second and print it out. The card however you'll have to run down to the grocery store for.

Matt Damon's Diaper Bag Up for Auction

PhotodamonIn case you haven't heard, the Johnson & Johnson's Celebrity Hand-Me-Down auction is going on. They're selling "used" baby items from celebrities, all to raise money for charity. There are eight items in the auction, all from celebrity moms except Matt Damon, who is offering a diaper bag.

Here's where the "Celebrity Auction" starts to piss me off.

Apparently it's not good enough that Matt Damon is a dad. Unlike the celebrity moms, someone decided they needed to include his wife Lucy's name in the auction too. I'm sure she's a lovely woman, but she's not the celebrity. Where's Julianne Moore's husband, or Poppy Montgomery's? Hell, Elisabeth Hasselbeck's NFL quarterback husband is a minor celebrity in his own right. But I guess it's not OK to associate men with baby stuff.

I'm probably overreacting, but it's the subtle things like this that wear me down after a while.

Check out the Johnson's Celebrity Hand-Me-Down Auction at eBay.

Jennifer Lopez's Nursery and Other Recent Posts On Babble

Casablanca Cribs in Jennifer Lopez's Nursery
Jennifer Lopez has a (typically) ostentatious nursery and published pictures of them in People Magazine. But the crib is actually quite nice if that kind of decor is up your alley.

Audible Launches New Kids Site
Download audio books for your kids and stop putting Spongebob on their iPods.

7 Days of BPA-Free Plastics: CamelBak Water Bottles
Something to check out when you reach post-sippy cup nirvana.

Jessica Alba Gives Tastybaby
Jessica Alba gives baby food as a party favor for her shower. Seriously.

Mariah Carey Has a Hello Kitty Boo-Boo on American Idol
Mariah Carey is obsessed with Helo Kitty apparently. And she wears the same Band-Aids on American Idol that my kids wear.

Big Deal: FLOR Carpet Tiles for Kids On Sale
FLOR has a couple of child themed carpets on sale now.

Nintendo's Wii - probably the best video game system for families.

Wii It's no secret I'm a big fan of the XBOX 360, but after playing with my new Nintendo Wii for a week or so, I have to say that it is much better suited for families. Although it's missing some features in my opinion, it's got the other systems beat in a few key areas.

First is the price. If you can find one in the stores, it's only going to cost you $250, which is $100 cheaper than the standard XBOX 360 and $250 cheaper than the standard Playstation 3. Sure it's not going to play BlueRay DVDs (or even regular DVDs) but for a next generation video game system (that plays great games) it's a bargain.

Next is the interface or "usability" of the system itself. Everything is based around using a remote control (or "Wiimote") and everyone that's tried to use it in my house - from my 3 year old daughter to my parents - understand how to use it immediately. Not only does the game know you're pointing it at the television, it also knows if you're rotating, tilting or moving it around anywhere. Personally I think it's easier to use than an XBOX 360 controller and way more approachable to kids and novice video game players.

And let's be honest, the biggest reason it's probably best for families is - it's Nintendo. Nintendo did something smart and didn't try to create a system that would be all things to all people. Instead they created a great little console that plays games (that are challenging but easy to play) with some of the most classic names in video game history like Mario, Zelda, Metroid and all the rest. One of my personal favorite things is that you can download via an internet connection old-school Nintendo games like Temco Bowl, Super Mario Brothers, Punch Out, and Wave Race 64 right to your Wii.

There are a few things I wish were different. You can view pictures on your Wii, but unfortunately you can't connect it to another computer in your house to view photos or listen to music like you can with an XBOX 360. I was able to download a web browser and view pictures on my flickr page, so it's kind of possible, but not as simple. The web browser (which the 360 doesn't have) is pretty useful - my aunt uses the web browser to listen to her Sirius Satellite Radio online through her home stereo, which works out well.

So if you're starting to think about a video game system for the family for Christmas this year, I'd definitely give the Wii some serious consideration. If you can find one.

Shop for Nintendo Wii stuff on

Best baby monitor.

BabymonitorWIth the second baby there are a lot of things we are re-using, but some things we had to double-up on, like a new monitor. Creature of habit that I am, at first I wanted one just like the old one, because it seemed to work pretty well at long distances and it operated in the 900 MHz band (between the cordless phones and WiFi the 2.4 GHz band was getting pretty crowded). But the old one wasn't available any more, so I had to settle on the new model, and I'm really glad I did.

There are a couple of enhancements to it, first and foremost being the fact that the receivers are rechargeable. With all the AAAs I was feeding into the old one, this new feature is great. Plus, it's got an LED screen telling how much battery life is left, the signal strength and what channel you're on. It will even beep at you if it isn't receiving any signal at all, or if the battery is dying.

It doesn't rumble like the old one did, but I'll gladly trade that in for a battery that recharges. It's not like I've got a lawn to mow while the baby is sleeping.

Get the Fisher Price "Private Connection" Monitor with Dual Receivers (one for upstairs, one for down) for $38.72 from Amazon via the Modern Day Dad Store.

Wheeled board update.


[UPDATE: Looking for info on the Bugaboo Wheeled Board? Check out the updated post on all wheeled boards for strollers:

The Best Wheeled Boards for Bugaboo and Other Strollers |]

Now that my six month old is almost out of "the bucket" and in a normal car seat, I figured I should give an update as to how Madame (my two year old) is doing with the Bugaboo Wheeled Board. At first I wasn't too sure it would be that useful, but I'm happy to report that it's working great. As she's fully in her two-year-old "I do myself" phase, it can be hard wrangling her sometimes, but that wheeled board has come in really handy. Mostly we use it for moments when we know that they'll be a long walk ahead of us, like from the car to the mall or to the doctor's office or the park. It's hard keeping her standing on it in a store or somewhere else there is a lot of distraction, but if she was sitting in a stroller I don't think it would be much easier.


As for safety, it's really not too bad - she stands up and holds on to the arms of the stroller and stays steady without a problem. And her sister really loves looking at her face to face when she's in it. The best part from my perspective is it doesn't take up any extra width (like a double-wide stroller would) and keeps the whole operation pretty compact. Which, when you're navigating a crowded mall or sidewalk, is pretty great.

Get the Bugaboo Wheeled Board for $79.95 from Amazon at the new Modern Day Dad Store.

New holiday card ideas.

Peace_cardFor those of you who've read this blog before, you know I'm a pretty big fan of the greeting card ideas over at 2peas1pod, and I noticed today they have some new holiday card ideas ("Peace" pictured). There are lots of other design ideas too, and not just for the holidays. In addition to the great birth announcements, there are some really cool foreign adoption announcements which I'd never seen before.

Anyway, if you still haven't dealt with your card list (like me), this might be something you'll want to check out.


StrollometerHasn't anyone thought of this before? The Strollometer is a new gadget that attaches to your stroller and gives you your trip distance, time and speed. It seems obvious, but I haven't heard of one before. It seems like a good idea for avid jogging stroller dads and moms, but it seems kind of useless for everyone else. Knowing how far it is from the car to the drugstore or from Macy's to Gap Kids isn't going to make you loose weight any quicker.

The Strollometer will apparently be available for $45.95 this September. [via Sean via Gizmodo]

A trick I never thought of.

EarplugsThe new addition to our family is fast approaching, and I'm starting to realize that I've completely forgotten what it's like to have a newborn. What I should really say is that I've completely forgotten all of the sleepless nights, bodily fluids and that time between 6 and 9 we called "the witching hour." This selective amnesia is something that has to be hard-wired into all of us, because really, why would somone who's been through it once want to go through it all over again? (And I'm not even mentioning the trauma of the actual childbirth, the memory of which keeps me eternally grateful that I'm a man.)

A friend of mine who's a brand new dad was telling me how the other day he took his inconsolable daughter from her beleaguered mother and tried to calm her down. Nothing was working, but instead of passing her back he decided to tough it out, and just to take the edge off he put in some ear plugs. Eventually she calmed down, and he avoided tinnitus.

I'm sure he's not the only dad who's done this, but he's the first one whom I've ever talked to. And I have to say I was pretty impressed with the simple practicality of the solution. So maybe as I'm getting ready this summer for our new bundle of joy, I'll splurge and get some with a cord.

Bugaboo wheeled board.


[UPDATE: Looking for info on the Bugaboo Wheeled Board? Check out the updated post on all wheeled boards for strollers:

The Best Wheeled Boards for Bugaboo and Other Strollers |]

Even though we've already got a ton of baby/kid gear, this new baby we're having in July does present some twists to the kid-gear needs. The first and foremost in my mind is (of course) - how will this affect my Bugaboo?

So the Bugaboo only will stroll one kid at a time (obviously), and by the time the new baby arrives Madame will be barely two years old. Short of getting a new double-wide stroller there aren't many options.

Bugaboo does offer this "wheeled board" attachment (pictured).

The idea is the kid stands on it, in front of you and facing forward; and kind of rides while holding on. I've never seen one used, and right now it's pretty hard to imagine Madame standing still on the back of a stroller while it's moving.

Has anyone used this attachment (or even seen someone who was using it)? Please leave a comment if you have. I'd be really interested to know.

Get the Bugaboo Wheeled Board for $79.95 from Amazon at the new Modern Day Dad Store.

Next on MDD - if the older kid is being strolled around in the normal non-bassinet seat, where is the new baby going to sleep?...

CES 2006: B.O.B. Media Time Management

Bob_timerI'm a big fan of simple but good ideas, and "B.O.B." (I'm still not sure what the acronym means) from Hopscotch Technology is a pretty good one. Simply put, it's a lock box for a power plug. You plug whatever media device you want to restrict your child's use of (like a television or video game machine) and set a specific amount of time you want to allow your child to use the device. The kid logs into the box with their specific number, and the power to their TV turns on. You can also allow or disallow blocks of time too.

It's not just that I'm incredible thankful that such a device didn't exist when I was a kid (although I am), and it's not because I'm a parent now that I can imagine using such a device someday. It's my experience playing Halo 2 on XBOX Live that makes me wish more parents had this. If some of those kid's who I'm constantly losing to spent as much time on their homework as they do playing Halo, we'd be raising a generation of freaking super-geniuses.

When the hell did I turn into such a crotchety old man?

B.O.B. from Hopscotch Technology

CES 2006: Scooba

ScoobaThere is nothing that screams "your floors are filthy and you are a bad parent you slob" than a crawling baby with dirt all over their pant legs. I thought we kept a reasonably clean home, but once Madame started crawling I realized that maybe everything wasn't as clean as it should be.

I've never been a big fan of the "Roomba" robotic vacuum cleaner, but this new product from iRobot is right up my alley. The Scooba is basically the Roomba, but it washes your floors instead. First it cleans up debris (including Cheerios the demo person said), then it scrubs, washes and rinses the floors. I guess the idea is you turn the thing on, go to the grocery store, and when you come home the floors are clean.

At $400 I'm not exactly running out to the store to buy one, but I'm definitely thinking about it.

MDD at CES 2006

Sorry for the lack of activity last week, but I was attending (for the third year in a row actually) the Consumer Electronics Showcase here in Las Vegas. This year - and maybe it was because I was getting used to it - was the most underwhelming of them all so far. I've got some things related to kids and parenting that I'll share in the next week, but here are some quick thoughts about it all off of the top of my head.

  • Blu-Ray vs. HDDVD. The big thing this year (if you can call it that) was the battle between who will win the next home video player format wars. After hearing the long (and again, underwhelming) Microsoft spiel in Wednesday night you'd think it was all about HDDVD. But after walking the floor, it seems more people are behind the Blu-Ray. Whatever. Just tell me which one wins when it finally gets sorted out, because there's no way in hell I'm going to buy two separate $500 players.
  • More kid's stuff than ever before. Maybe I was just looking for it, but this year there was a lot more products marketed towards children. Some good, some bad, and apparently I didn't even see all of them.
  • The Canadian dudes who run the Harmony Remote division of Logitech rule. My universal remote - the one I love so much - the one that I've recommended to countless friends decided to die the night before the convention started. I brought it to their booth and after getting some expert technical advice (including a phone call back to the home office), the guy said he'd replace it for me. I cannot recommend these remote controls enough.
  • Electronics convention attendees + Porn convention attendees = An interesting lobby. This year CES had one of it's convention spaces in the Sands convention center, right next to the Adult Entertainment Expo. And in the lobby some had pocket protectors while others had ginormous breasts. But hey, it's all business.

Holiday gifts. Everyone. Ornament greeting card.

OrnamentcardSo you just had a baby this past year and you sent out the birth announcements, but your kid is much older now and you want to send a picture with this year's holiday card. You also want to send a small gift to some of your friends and family that's fun and unique without breaking the bank.  If you'd like to kill two birds with one stone, check out this holiday ornament card from 2Peas1Pod. My favorite baby announcement company will custom design a holiday card for you with a picture that can be punched out and converted into a tree ornament. They'll also do regular holiday card if you want, but this might be something a little more special than a fruit cake for the aunts and uncles.

Check out all the holiday card options at
Also on MDD - Birth Announcing.

Holiday gifts. Mom. Diaper bag.

It's time to start thinking about gifts, so this month I'm going to try to highlight a few things I've found that might be worth checking out.

Mom_diaperbagtFor your baby's mama: the Petunia Pickle Bottom shoulder bag.

You've already found your perfect dad diaper bag, but what about mom? Even though she might not use it as much, everyone loves having their own baby gear. I was in the pediatrician's office today and I saw a mom with this totally sweet diaper bag. PPB has been making high end diaper bag backpacks for moms for a while now, but I'd never seen the shoulder bags. The black one the mom had looked feminine, modern and stylish, without being another typical Kate Spade bag. It also looked pretty big, which always comes in handy.

Check out the "Samba Roll" diaper bag from petunia pickle

Also, check out Diaper Bags for dads at the Modern Day Dad Store.

Expensive stroller saves baby, "spendthrift" dads vindicated.

MountainbuggyEven though Greg over at Daddytypes has this story covered and then some, any morning when I wake up and find that a $600 stroller saved the life of a baby I've got to write about it.

If you haven't heard, a nanny working in the upper west side of Manhattan was with her charge yesterday when a building collapsed on both of them. Apparently the $600 Mountain Buggy Urban Double bent around the child, protecting it from the rubble and saving the baby's life. Who knows if in the same set of circumstances the stroller would ever do this again, but thankfully it did. The question posed to me by a friend from NY this morning was would my Bugaboo do this, and although I doubt it, one thing I do know is that a cheap $20 umbrella stroller wouldn't have done squat. This is one to file away in the you-get-what-you-pay-for file. And if any new or impending dads out there are trying to justify an expensive stroller purchase to their wives, I've linked to the Newsday article below.

Also, as far as I can tell Mountain Buggy is a company from New Zealand and isn't publicly traded. Which is too bad because I think they're going to have a good quarter.

Posh stroller may have saved baby's life [ Archives]  Thanks for the heads up Dan.

Shop for strollers and other products from Bugaboo at

A new Bugaboo cup holder?

About a month ago I modified a cup holder to fit onto my Bugaboo frog. Although it's far from perfect, it's working out OK for me. I'm not sure what I started but it seems someone else has come up with a new solution. A Daddy Types reader has managed to make the Fold Up Stroller Drink Holder from Safety 1st work with the Bugaboo handle. There aren't any instructions for attaching it (maybe it just works with the Bugaboo like every other stroller), but there is a picture.

It looks a bit studier than my solution (which would definitely be an upgrade) but it doesn't look like you can take it off very easily; nor is the drink level.  In the picture he also has one of the bag clips turned inward, so maybe he tried my way and wasn't satisfied. I'll have to get my hands on one of these cup holders and try it out for myself.

MacGyver A Bugaboo Cup Holder, Round 2  [Daddy Types]

Shop for Bugaboo strollers at Baby

Bugaboo cup holder. Round one results.

So I’ve been living with the cup holder I fixed onto my Bugaboo Frog, and I’m happy to report it works pretty well. I road tested it at the mall, in the airport and on the street where it held my drink (usually a bottle) within arms-reach and without spilling. I was also able to get it on and off of the stroller pretty quickly and stow it away in the bag underneath - even during the pressure cooker of airport security. The cup holder itself doesn’t feel that sturdy, but this is a function of the crappy Prince Lionheart cup holder and not the way I attached it to the stroller.

I did come across one issue though. Usually when I’m out with the stroller for a while I’ll hang the diaper bag over the handlebar of the stroller (using the Bugaboo bag clips). The problem is the drink in the cup holder gets in the way of the strap. This might not happen to your diaper bag (the strap on mine is rather wide) but it’s something to look out for.

In the end I guess I'd give it a B minus. It would be better with a cup holder that was more sturdy, a little better looking, and didn't interfere with the diaper bag. I’m still going to look for other attachable cup holder type devices to see if I can come up with something better, but for now this is working.

Previous: Bugaboo cup holder. Round one.

Shop for strollers and other products from Bugaboo at

Bugaboo cup holder. Round one.

CupholderAs far as I’m concerned, when it comes to baby gear the one thing I hold above all else is my Bugaboo Frog stroller. It’s the best – even the alterna-kid at the car wash told me the other day that my stroller was “tight.” You’re damn right it’s tight. It’s the best stroller out there. My one complaint, and the complaint of other Bugaboo loving dads, is that it has no cup holder. Well, I’ve decided to try to figure something out for myself, and maybe for everyone else.

When thinking about the problem of how to add one, I decided it had to meet these requirements:

  1. It needed to hold a drink, either a can or a soda/water bottle comfortably and safely.
  2. It needed to be within arms reach while using the stroller.
  3. It needed to be flexible enough so that you could take it off and store it without a lot of hassle.

The picture above is my first try at a solution. It came out fairly good, though I haven’t road tested it yet. Here’s how to do it on your own:

  • Buy an extra set of Bugaboo Frog bag clips. Attach one bag clip to the left-hand side of foam top of the handle, so that it is facing inside the stroller, not outside. If you already have a set of bag clips attached to the stroller, slide the one facing outward up a bit to fit the new one facing inside below it.
  • Buy a Prince Lionheart Click ‘n Go Insulated Cup Holder. I got mine at Babies R Us.
  • Open up the cup holder and take the bracket off of the holder. Pull apart the bracket.
  • This is the tricky part. Take the outside half of the bracket (the part that doesn’t attach to the cup holder) and file down the inside curve of the bracket. At the low point of the curve the bracket is about 10mm thick. File it down (or use a Dremel or anything else you might have handy) to about 5mm. It’s kind of a pain to file a concave surface (without a round file), but keep at it. Eventually it will be thin enough to snap onto the bag clip – keep trying until it fits on the inside bag clip securely, but make sure you don’t file it down too much so that it’s loose.
  • Put the bracket back together using the screws nuts provided. Screw the bracket together completely until you absolutely cannot tighten the screws anymore. The two pieces of the bracket should not be loose.
  • Reattach the cup holder to the bracket using the octagonal attachment side. Attach the bracket at a 45 degree angle (so the bracket is at 10 and 4 o’clock in relation to the cup holder).
  • Snap the cup holder to the inside bag clip and grab a beverage to go.

So there it is. Feedback is encouraged. I’ll let you know later how it works in real life.

Shop for strollers and other products (NOTE: now including Bugaboo-made cup holders. -mdd) from Bugaboo at