Further evidence of Laurie Berkner world domination.

LauriedevotionSo the other day I was browsing the Top Sellers DVD list on Amazon (looking for Neflix ideas) and I noticed something that stuck out like a sore thumb. Right there, just after 24 - Season Three and right before Syriana Widescreen Edition at number 49 was We are... The Laurie Berkner Band.

Seriously? More people are buying that than Munich, Capote or the first season of Lost? Well, good for the LBB I suppose, but I hope somewhere Moose A. Moose is getting his ass kissed.

Buy We are... The Laurie Berkner Band for $10.99 at Amazon.com

(And yes, before someone comments, I know I've put up a bunch of links to Amazon in this post, all of which will make me a very small commission if someone clicks and buys. And whether I put this disclaimer in or not I still think it's a perfectly OK thing to do. So click and buy away!)

(And no, that's not my kid in the picture.)