Crawling helmet.

Crawling_helmetA few days ago I posted about these rather absurd baby knee pads to protect your child's knees from crawling, and daddy in a strange land was kind enough to point out in the comments that One Step Ahead is selling a helmet too. Actually, they call it a "Bumper Bonnet," but either way it still kind of freaks me out. Just check out the picture.

And what would the TV commercial be like?

[Annoying Friend] Gosh Jan, what are all those unsightly bumps and bruises all over Jimmy's head?

[Jan] Oh - you know Jimmy. He's always crawling into places he shouldn't and smacking his head around. I just don't know what to do!

[Annoying Friend] Sounds like you need the Bumper Bonnet. It's either that, or I report you to Child Protective Services.


The Bumper Bonnet is $12.95 from One Step Ahead. [via daddy in a strange land]