Teutonic rocking.

RockingchaircradleSometimes all you have to do is ask. After getting an email shout-out from MDD reader and Berlin native Bettina, I asked her if she had any cool modern baby stuff from Germany to share, and she sent me this link to the RH-tire and the RH-babe. German wasn't one of the languages I opted to take in high school, but from what I can tell (with some help from the Google translation and Bettina's email) it's a combination rocking chair (RH-tire) and crib/cradle (RH-babe).

Even though I don't know anyone who has actually used a rocking cradle, it's a pretty interesting idea that I'm surprised I haven't seen before. Personally, I think it kind of looks like something Ikea should have thought of (maybe it's the wicker), but it's got nice clean lines and certainly would be a conversation starter with guests.

I can't figure out how many Euros it is, but here's the re-tire website (in German).